The "Henrique Preto" Samba




Henrique Preto was a black, son of slaves, born in Santana de Parnaiba, and a cook by trade. He died at the age of 85 on the 1st of April, 1973, but still everyone in the city speaks about him, and even the children who did not know him refer to him with admiration. He is the most remembered figure on this night of the Parade of Fantasmas. The music of the parade is called the Samba of Henrique Preto. What you see in the dance performed in the streets is not properly speaking a samba. The rhythm is samba, but it is a crowd of people dancing as they like, shaking their arms, body and legs in a samba-like step and following the beat given by the music.


Andrade, Mario de 1937 "O samba rural paulista”, Revista do Arquivo M unicipal, Sao Paulo, XLI: 38-115.

Cunha, Mario Wagner Vieira da 1937 "Descricao da Festa de Bom Jesus de Pirapora”, ibid. XVI: 6-35

Ianni, Octavio 1950 "O samba de terreiro em Itu”, Revista de Histdria, Sao Paulo, 26; 404-426

Lima, Rossini Tavares de 1971 Folclore das festas ciclicas, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Irmaos Vitale.
Folclore de Sao Paulo, 2a. ed., Sao Paulo, Ricordi.

Nascimento, Haydee 1977 A spectos folcldricos de Carnaval de Santana de Parnaiba, Sao Paulo, Conselho Estadual
de Artes e Ciencias Humanas.




How to Cite

Nascimento, Haydee, and Andrew Tracey. 1982. “The ‘Henrique Preto’ Samba”. African Music : Journal of the International Library of African Music 6 (2):120-31.

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