Music Performance on 19th-Century Sukuma-Nyamwezi Caravans to the Swahili Coast


  • Frank Gunderson Assistant Professor of Ethnomusicology, Florida State University



This article examines the utility and significance of music performed on 19th- century caravans journeying between the inland East African Sukuma-Nyamwezi and interlacustrine regions, and the Swahili coast. This research will show that through music and "soundscape production”, Sukuma-Nymawezi porters or bapagati maintained their identity and dignity albeit intermittently, in spite of the rigors sustained on the long march.


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How to Cite

Gunderson, Frank. 2008. “Music Performance on 19th-Century Sukuma-Nyamwezi Caravans to the Swahili Coast”. African Music : Journal of the International Library of African Music 8 (2):6-25.