The Very Best of Hugh Tracey: from the monumental cd series ’Historical Recordings by Hugh Tracey’. SWP Records. SWP034/HT022. Compiled by Michael Baird in collaboration with ILAM. One compact disc, no accompanying booklet. Lesotho Calling: Lesiba and Sekhankula Music. SWP Records. SWP 033. Recorded and compiled by Michael Baird in collaboration with Dada Moqasa of Lesotho Broadcasting. One compact disc, with 22-page booklet and notes by Michael Baird. Afr. music [Internet]. 2008 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];8(2):129-33. Available from: https://journal.ru.ac.za/index.php/africanmusic/article/view/1792