Vitamin C and zinc status of elderly women in residential care in Cape Town


  • Karen Charlton HSRC/UCT Centre for Gerontology, University of Cape Town
  • Fatima Hoosen Department of Human Ecology and Dietetics, University of the Western Cape
  • Shamila Jaffer Department of Human Ecology and Dietetics, University of the Western Cape



Institutionalized older persons are at risk of malnutrition, particularly regarding vitamin C and zinc deficiencies. These two micronutrients have been shown to play a role in wound healing and tissue repair, as well as immune function and appetite. A cross-sectional descriptive study was undertaken to assess the vitamin C and zinc status of 49 women aged 65 years and older, who reside in a long-term care facility in Cape Town. Fasting blood samples were drawn from all consenting subjects for the analysis of serum albumin, plasma vitamin C and zinc concentrations. Dietary intake was assessed using a plate-waste method, repeated on three days - two weekdays and one weekend day. Plates were weighed using an electronic scale, before and after subjects partook of their meals. Food wastage was recorded and actual food intake was calculated in grams. Anthropometrical assessment included weight, height, skinfold thickness measurements and girth circumference. Mean energy intake of the subjects was 76% of the RDA (6 085 kj). Mean vitamin C intake was less than a third of the RDA (15.9 mg) and zinc intake was about two-thirds of the RDA (8.5 mg). No subject had an adequate intake of vitamin C, i.e. above 67% of the RDA. A low plasma concentration of vitamin C and zinc was found in 34% and 9.3% of the subjects, respectively. The majority tended towards underweight. It is recommended that low-dose micronutrient supplementation be administered to older women living in long-term care facilities and that ongoing nutritional assessment be an integral part of the care of older residents.


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