Black South African urban music since the 1890's: some reminiscences of Alfred Assegai Kumalo (1879-1966)


  • David Rycroft School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London



The main body of this article deals with personal reminiscences and anecdotes many of them relating to music - recounted to me by the renowned Zulu musician, choir-master and composer, the late Mr A. A. Kumalo during two tape-recorded interviews in Edendale, Natal in 1964. This was some two years before he suffered a stroke (in July 1966) from which he never fully recovered. He died peacefully at his home on 9 December 1966, aged 87.


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How to Cite

Rycroft, David. 2017. “Black South African Urban Music since the 1890’s: Some Reminiscences of Alfred Assegai Kumalo (1879-1966)”. African Music : Journal of the International Library of African Music 7 (1):5-32.

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