Emics and Etics Re-Examined, Part 2: L'Importance de la Fonction Musicale pour la classification des instruments de musique en langue Mpyεmᴠ- une contribution à la discussion sur la dichotomic "emics/etics"
English synopsis: The concept 'emics and etics' which concerns two possible standpoints by a fieldworker, respectively a researcher in ethnomusicology, also involves different methodological issues regarding the evaluation of fieldwork material. The differentiation between these two standpoints has been discussed for decades and the fact that we today in Berlin are once again discussing it proves that we are still searching for appropriate methods leading us towards an apprehension of different cultures, e.g. musical systems that are not our own.Downloads
How to Cite
“Emics and Etics Re-Examined, Part 2: L’Importance De La Fonction Musicale Pour La Classification Des Instruments De Musique En Langue Mpyεmá´ - Une Contribution à La Discussion Sur La Dichotomic ‘emics Etics’”. 1996. African Music : Journal of the International Library of African Music 7 (3): 11-20. https://doi.org/10.21504/amj.v7i3.1959.