Special Dementia Unit as hostel: a residential care development in Australia
As with many other aspects of health care, specialization has become a feature of residential care. In addition to well-aged units and nursing homes there are two categories of hostel care for older people in Australia. An account is given of the development of the Special Dementia Unit (SDU) in the form of a hostel. The advantages and disadvantages of this facility are mentioned. A close association of geriatric and psychogeriatric services with nursing homes and hostels is necessary to achieve a regional service as well as further development in the several components of institutional care.References
Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services. 1996. Residential aged care structural reform package. Federal Budget 96/97 Health & Family Services Facts Sheet. Canberra.
Gilleard, C.J. 1984, Living with dementia. London: Croom Helm.
Lawton, M.P. 1979. Psychosocial and emotional approaches to the care of senile dementia patients. Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Psychopathological Association. New York.
Lefroy, R.B. 1991. The special hostel for care of people with dementia. Medical Journal of Australia, 115(3): 140-141.
Lefroy, R.B., Hyndman, J. & Hobbs, M.S.T. 1997. A Special Dementia Unit (hostel): review of the first eleven years operation. Australian Journal on Ageing, 16(1); 16-19.
Norman, A. 1987. Severe dementia; the provision of longstay care. London: Centre for Policy on Ageing.
Page, J. 1996. The Special Hostel Unit for people with dementia: a discussion paper prepared for Anglican Homes (Inc.). Perth, Western Australia: Anglican Homes.
The aged and the "chronics'' 1950. Medical Journal of Australia. 1.601, Editorial.
Warren, M.W. 1946. Care of the chronic aged sick. Lancet, I : 841-843.
Gilleard, C.J. 1984, Living with dementia. London: Croom Helm.
Lawton, M.P. 1979. Psychosocial and emotional approaches to the care of senile dementia patients. Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Psychopathological Association. New York.
Lefroy, R.B. 1991. The special hostel for care of people with dementia. Medical Journal of Australia, 115(3): 140-141.
Lefroy, R.B., Hyndman, J. & Hobbs, M.S.T. 1997. A Special Dementia Unit (hostel): review of the first eleven years operation. Australian Journal on Ageing, 16(1); 16-19.
Norman, A. 1987. Severe dementia; the provision of longstay care. London: Centre for Policy on Ageing.
Page, J. 1996. The Special Hostel Unit for people with dementia: a discussion paper prepared for Anglican Homes (Inc.). Perth, Western Australia: Anglican Homes.
The aged and the "chronics'' 1950. Medical Journal of Australia. 1.601, Editorial.
Warren, M.W. 1946. Care of the chronic aged sick. Lancet, I : 841-843.