Research for practice and development in Africa
“Africa……is grappling with real problems being faced by older people.” We need to ask how research is being used today? To what extent is research, carried out in Africa, translated into action which produces benefits for the subjects of the research? The translation of research into action is a salient message in this special issue of SAJG.
Apt, N., Bester, F.C-J. & Insley M.L. 1995. Effective response to ageing in Africa by the year 2000. (AGES Workshop.) Accra, Ghana: African Gerontological Society.
Blavo, E.Q. 1995. The refugee problem in Africa: impact on the aged. In: Apt, N., Bester, F.C.J. & Insley, M L. Effective response to ageing in Africa by the year 2000. (AGES Workshop.) Accra, Ghana: African Gerontological Society, pp. 29-33.
Chambers, R. 1999. Whose reality counts? Putting the last first. Bath, UK: Bath Press.
Craig, U. 1992. The ageing process. Training pack. London: HelpAge International.
Ferreira, M. 1999. Building and advancing African gerontology. Editorial. Southern African Journal of Gerontology, 8(1): 1-3.
Ferreira, M., Esterhuysen, R., Sewell, C. et al. (Compilers) 1995. Bibliography of research on ageing in Southern Africa 1970-1994. Cape Town: HSRC/UCT Centre for Gerontology.
AIDS deaths. 1999. Financial Gazette (Zimbabwe), January 22.
Forrester Kibuga, K. 1999. Older people in Magu. Tanzania. The killing and victimization of older women - a research report from HelpAge International. Dar es Salaam: HAI.
HelpAge International. 1999. Report on Sukumaland Older Women’s Programme, Tanzania. Dar es Salaam: HAI.
HelpAge International. 2000. Older people in disaster and humanitarian crises: guidelines for best practices. London: HAI.
Kaseke, E. 2000. Personal communication. Harare, Zimbabwe, July.
Kenyans urged to go for H1V/AIDS checks. 2000. Sunday Standard, August 27, p.5.
International Labour Organisation. 1997. Ageing in Asia: the growing need fo r social protection. Bangkok: ILO.
Mupedziswa, R. 1999. Bruised and battered: the struggles of older female informal traders in urban areas of Zimbabwe since the economic reforms. Southern African Journal of Gerontology, 8(1): 9-13.
Selltiz, C., Wrightsman, t.S . & Cook, S.W. 1976. Research methods in social relations. Third edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
United Nations. 1991. The world ageing situation. New York: UN.
United States Bureau of the Census. 1999a. H1V/AIDS in the developing world. Report WP/98-2. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
United States Bureau of the Census. 1999b. International DataBase, Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Blavo, E.Q. 1995. The refugee problem in Africa: impact on the aged. In: Apt, N., Bester, F.C.J. & Insley, M L. Effective response to ageing in Africa by the year 2000. (AGES Workshop.) Accra, Ghana: African Gerontological Society, pp. 29-33.
Chambers, R. 1999. Whose reality counts? Putting the last first. Bath, UK: Bath Press.
Craig, U. 1992. The ageing process. Training pack. London: HelpAge International.
Ferreira, M. 1999. Building and advancing African gerontology. Editorial. Southern African Journal of Gerontology, 8(1): 1-3.
Ferreira, M., Esterhuysen, R., Sewell, C. et al. (Compilers) 1995. Bibliography of research on ageing in Southern Africa 1970-1994. Cape Town: HSRC/UCT Centre for Gerontology.
AIDS deaths. 1999. Financial Gazette (Zimbabwe), January 22.
Forrester Kibuga, K. 1999. Older people in Magu. Tanzania. The killing and victimization of older women - a research report from HelpAge International. Dar es Salaam: HAI.
HelpAge International. 1999. Report on Sukumaland Older Women’s Programme, Tanzania. Dar es Salaam: HAI.
HelpAge International. 2000. Older people in disaster and humanitarian crises: guidelines for best practices. London: HAI.
Kaseke, E. 2000. Personal communication. Harare, Zimbabwe, July.
Kenyans urged to go for H1V/AIDS checks. 2000. Sunday Standard, August 27, p.5.
International Labour Organisation. 1997. Ageing in Asia: the growing need fo r social protection. Bangkok: ILO.
Mupedziswa, R. 1999. Bruised and battered: the struggles of older female informal traders in urban areas of Zimbabwe since the economic reforms. Southern African Journal of Gerontology, 8(1): 9-13.
Selltiz, C., Wrightsman, t.S . & Cook, S.W. 1976. Research methods in social relations. Third edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
United Nations. 1991. The world ageing situation. New York: UN.
United States Bureau of the Census. 1999a. H1V/AIDS in the developing world. Report WP/98-2. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
United States Bureau of the Census. 1999b. International DataBase, Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.