African space/time concepts and the Tusona ideographs in Luchazi culture


  • Gerhard Kubik Cultural scientist, Vienna



Tusona ideographs and amadinda compositions are not merely 'art' or 'music' in the Western sense. They are little closed systems of functional and causal relationships, little universes without exits. The minds who created them must have been researchers in the basic sense of the word. By creating the self-contained mini-universes of these configurations they also created mini-replicas of what our macro-universe may ultimately be like. They discovered abstract relationships which are not man-made, which come about and exist without human deliberation. And it must have become an immense passion once these ancients were on the track of such discoveries. The infinite proliferations in both traditions are proof enough of a persevering experimental spirit behind them.


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How to Cite

“African Space Time Concepts and the Tusona Ideographs in Luchazi Culture”. 1987. African Music : Journal of the International Library of African Music 6 (4): 53-89.

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