Notes on Canon Lury's article
Church music -- Africa, Gregorian chants -- Africa, Church music -- African influences, Musical intervals and scales -- AfricaAbstract
Canon Lury expresses in this article (which we reproduce by kind permission of the Editor of The Journal of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa) several opinions which have been gaining ground throughout Africa in recent years. The African Music Society and the staff of the International Library of African Music have found increasing interest in the possibility of bringing scientific knowledge to bear upon this important part of mission work throughout the continent. We hope the publication of this and similar articles in our Journal will stimulate interest in new religious music for Africa, and it is with this end in view that we now add a few editorial notes in extension of what Canon Lury has written.Downloads
How to Cite
“Notes on Canon Lury’s Article”. 1956. African Music : Journal of the International Library of African Music 1 (3): 36.