Exploring the synergies between intervention research and engaged research in South Africa
Intervention research, Engaged research, Continuum of collaboration, Child support grantAbstract
Engaged research is a space where collaborative work takes place with groups of people within a specific geographic area and special interests in relation to their wellbeing – this being understood as a community (Balls-Berry & Acosta-Pérez, 2017). Intervention research design is a dynamic process which involves researchers (based within universities), organisations and practitioners (Fraser et al., 2009; Rothman & Thomas, 1994). Furthermore, intervention research follows distinct stages, with collaboration at the core of each of these stages. Given that collaboration is a core theme for engaged research as well as the intervention research design process, the question arises if the intervention research design process could be considered a tool to promote engaged research. The aim of the following paper is to provide insight into how the intervention research design was used for the design and development of the Sihleng’imizi family intervention. The paper will look at how collaboration was a feature in each of the phases. A reflective discussion on the successes of collaborative work and how this may contribute to engaged research, as part of community engagement will be discussed.
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