Transcription of African music from silent film: theory and methods
Ethnomusicology -- Research -- Africa, Arrangement (Music) -- Africa, Ethnographic films, Graphic notation (Music) -- AfricaAbstract
Most films on music and dance which are used for ethnomusicological research purposes are not research films, but documentaries. Research film in ethnomusicology has undergone important development in the last ten years. It can be distinguished from plain documentary in that it records intentionally those aspects of the event which later will allow the researcher to answer certain preconceived questionsReferences
Alfons M. Dauer: "Afrikanische Musik und volkcrkundlicher Tonfilm - Ein Beitrag zur Methodik der Transkription”, Research Film, vol. 5, no. 5, 1966. "Musiklandschaften in Afrika”, Afrika heute, (Sonderbeilage), no. 23, 1 Dec. 1966. "Stil und Technik im afrikanischen Tanz”, Afrika heute (Sonderbeilage), no. 24, 15 Dec. 1967. "Research Film in Ethnomusicology: Aims and Achievements”, Yearbook o f the International Folk Music Council, vol. 1, 1969. "Zum Bewegungsverhalten afrikanischer Tanzer”, Research Film, vol. 6, no. 6, 1969. "Kinesis und Katharsis. Prolegomena zur Deutung afrikanischer Rhythmik”, Afrika heute (Sonderbeilage), no. 20, 15. Oct. 1969.
A. M. Dauer, G. Bauch, C. Goemann & C. Otte, 1969, "Synchrone Dokumentations-Tonfilmaufnahmen auf Expeditionen durch Kameramannschaften in Zusammenarbeit mit volkcrkundlichen Fachwissenschaftlem”, Research Film, vol. 6, no. 5.
Milovan Gavazzi: "Zur dringenden ethographischen Filmdokumentation”, Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research, no. 11, 1969. Helmut Gunther: Grundphdnomene und Grundbegriffe des afrikanischen und afroamerihanischen Tanzes, Beitrage zur Jazzforschung/Studies in Jazz Research, Bd. 1, Graz 1969. A. M. J ones: "On using the Stroboconn”, African Music, vol. 4, no. 4, 1970.
Gerhard Kubik: "The Structure of Kiganda Xylophone Music”, African Music, vol. 2, no. 3, 1960. "Musikgestaltung in Afrika”. Neues Afrika, 3 Jahrgang, Heft 5, May 1961. "The Phenomenon of Inherent Rhythms in East and Central African Instrumental Music”, African Music, vol. 3, no. 1, 1962. Review article on "The Music of Central Africa”, by Rose Brandel, African Music, vol. 3, no. 1, 1962. "Transcription of Mangwilo Xylophone Music from Film Strips”, African Music, vol. 3, no. 4, 1965. "Transmission et transcription des Elements de musique instrumentale africaine”, Bulletin o f the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research, no. 11, Vienna 1969. Musica tradicional e aculturada dos \Kung' de Angola, Estudos de Antropologia Cultural, no. 3, Lisbon 1970. Die Institution muhanda und assoziierte Einricbtungen bei den Vambtvela / Uankangela und verwandten Ethnien in Siidostangola. Field research document August-December, 1965. Dissertation, Vienna University, 1971.
A. Lomax, Irmgard Bartenieff & Forrestine Paulay 1969,"Choreometrics: A Method for the Study of Cross-Cultural Pattern in Film”, Research Film, vol. 6, no. 6.
M. Metfessel: Phonophotography in Folk Music. Chapel Hill, 1928. Gilbert Rouget: "Un film experimental: Batteries Dogon, elements pour une etude de rythmes”, L'Homme, Revue francaise d'Anthropologie, V/2, 1965.
Hugh Tracey, Gerhard Kubik & Andrew Tracey, 1969, "Codification of African Music and Textbook Project”, A Primer of Practical Suggestions for Field Research, Roodepoort.
H. Wittmann & W. Eberhardt, 1968,"Einrichtung zur synchronen Tonaufnahme bei freier Beweglichkeit mehrerer Kameras”, Research Film, vol. 6, no. 4.
A. M. Dauer, G. Bauch, C. Goemann & C. Otte, 1969, "Synchrone Dokumentations-Tonfilmaufnahmen auf Expeditionen durch Kameramannschaften in Zusammenarbeit mit volkcrkundlichen Fachwissenschaftlem”, Research Film, vol. 6, no. 5.
Milovan Gavazzi: "Zur dringenden ethographischen Filmdokumentation”, Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research, no. 11, 1969. Helmut Gunther: Grundphdnomene und Grundbegriffe des afrikanischen und afroamerihanischen Tanzes, Beitrage zur Jazzforschung/Studies in Jazz Research, Bd. 1, Graz 1969. A. M. J ones: "On using the Stroboconn”, African Music, vol. 4, no. 4, 1970.
Gerhard Kubik: "The Structure of Kiganda Xylophone Music”, African Music, vol. 2, no. 3, 1960. "Musikgestaltung in Afrika”. Neues Afrika, 3 Jahrgang, Heft 5, May 1961. "The Phenomenon of Inherent Rhythms in East and Central African Instrumental Music”, African Music, vol. 3, no. 1, 1962. Review article on "The Music of Central Africa”, by Rose Brandel, African Music, vol. 3, no. 1, 1962. "Transcription of Mangwilo Xylophone Music from Film Strips”, African Music, vol. 3, no. 4, 1965. "Transmission et transcription des Elements de musique instrumentale africaine”, Bulletin o f the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research, no. 11, Vienna 1969. Musica tradicional e aculturada dos \Kung' de Angola, Estudos de Antropologia Cultural, no. 3, Lisbon 1970. Die Institution muhanda und assoziierte Einricbtungen bei den Vambtvela / Uankangela und verwandten Ethnien in Siidostangola. Field research document August-December, 1965. Dissertation, Vienna University, 1971.
A. Lomax, Irmgard Bartenieff & Forrestine Paulay 1969,"Choreometrics: A Method for the Study of Cross-Cultural Pattern in Film”, Research Film, vol. 6, no. 6.
M. Metfessel: Phonophotography in Folk Music. Chapel Hill, 1928. Gilbert Rouget: "Un film experimental: Batteries Dogon, elements pour une etude de rythmes”, L'Homme, Revue francaise d'Anthropologie, V/2, 1965.
Hugh Tracey, Gerhard Kubik & Andrew Tracey, 1969, "Codification of African Music and Textbook Project”, A Primer of Practical Suggestions for Field Research, Roodepoort.
H. Wittmann & W. Eberhardt, 1968,"Einrichtung zur synchronen Tonaufnahme bei freier Beweglichkeit mehrerer Kameras”, Research Film, vol. 6, no. 4.
How to Cite
“Transcription of African Music from Silent Film: Theory and Methods”. 1972. African Music : Journal of the International Library of African Music 5 (2): 28-39.