Review article on the book: AFRICA AND INDONESIA: THE EVIDENCE OF THE XYLOPHONE AND OTHER MUSICAL AND CULTURAL FACTORS by A. M. JONES (pp. I-VIII, 1-233. Illus. Tables. Index. Pub. E. J. Brill. Leiden, 1964. Price: 36 Guilders).


  • M.D.W. Jeffreys University of the Witwatersrand



Jones, A.M. -- Africa and Indonesia


This book falls into two studies, the one is on the similarities between the music, the tuning and the scales of the xylophones used in Africa and those used in Indonesia; the other is devoted to expounding a solution to explain these similarities.


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Mantle Hood: Review of Africa and Indonesia: The Evidence of the Xylophone and other Musical F actors, b y A. M. Jones. American Anthropologist. Vol. 67, Dec. 1965.

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How to Cite

Jeffreys, M.D.W. 1966. “ Price: 36 Guilders)”. African Music : Journal of the International Library of African Music 4 (1):66-73.